
European Lists excels in B2B and B2C Database for marketers targeting Europe. With around 50 countries and numerous industries, top to bottom segmentation is done on parameters that will help you pick your defined targets quickly. Our Lists will help you plan, channelize and execute the marketing campaigns be it Direct, Phone, Fax or Email.

Why should you trust European Lists?

  • Our unique selling point lies in the validity of data. We renew our data every 90 days.
  • Higher rate of customer retention through your campaigns.
  • Flexible data solutions to ensure longevity of the lists acquired from European Lists.
  • Custom built lists are tailor made and catered based on your requirements.
  • Skilled and experienced list professionals help you find the right list for your campaigns.
  • The contact details in the lists are compiled from trusted sources to ensure authenticity.

Services you can choose from:

Our Specialty:

List Search – This feature allows you to log in to your account and get the counts and details of prospects you wish to contact. The search can be based on industry, geography or any other criteria of your choice. Search Now

Should you need more details on any of  our services, Contact Us now

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